poniedziałek, 4 listopada 2013



How to record good vocal 

  •  Let`s state that you already have necessary equipment for your recordings, we will then proceed to a stage where you have to record it, so we can start our adventure with recording

Let`s start from vocal

  • Voice can be recorded for many purposes, tunes, eBook’s, readings etc. Recording techniques can be slightly different however there are two basic factors that you have to take care of, well acoustic treated room and wormed up vocalists voice.

  • To start your recordings you will have to find yourself a dedicated and acoustically isolated room, where ambient noises, outside noises, hard drive hums, etc. will not go directly or indirectly in to you microphone. You will have to consider rather building a vocal dedicated booth or use thick blankets hanged around you microphone to create as `dead environment` as possible. If you will consider second option you will have to build around your vocalist with those self-made `isolators` with special treatment of `behind vocalist head and back` area to prevent from back wall bounced sound waves that are creating that unpleasant echo in your recordings. 

That is a perfect example of how your recording booth should look like,but home made booths
can also looks like that 

That sort of treatment can do the job but i`am not quite sure about that sort of solutions

Simple home made reflection filter can make bigger difference then a lilo construction

  •  Basically our aim is to record very concentrated signal and to do so we need to make sure that only sound that will get in to our mic is your direct voice only. That’s why this `dead` room response is so crucial.
  •    We will have to think in a different way when we have a nice sounding room that can add some wonted ambient and color in to our recordings, in that case this room response is something that we like to keep and all this sound isolation are not really necessary, but because we are probably in your bedroom or a garage and those places are not really good sounding environments that’s why we have to stick to `thick blanket` treatment  to keep your recorded signal as clean and concentrated as possible. 

 It Is worth to invest some fair amount of money to get one of many reflection filters available on market
like for example this one, really good solution for bad sounding recording environments.

In Next chapter i will try to guide you throe recording techniques

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